Medieval Dynasty Salted Meat
As there's only salted meat (no dried meat), they both do the same. (thanks trilion) nope, there is both salted and dried meat or fish. Hunter 2 and fishing 2 both do them. Dried meat can't be used in recipes afaik. Salted meat can be used in recipes, but when you consume it on it's own it will effect your thirst very badly.
15 jan 2021 · potage is cheap, easy, sells well. I tried dried and salted meat, still rotted and salt intensive. I tried different types of bread, still rotted and grain intensive. If you make a long lasting food that won't rot quickly, what is the best type you have found? Or dried beans, pasta, something that won't rot) 17 feb 2021 · alternatively, you can assign your hunters the task of making salted meat. They will need raw meat for this. If you don't have raw meat in stock, the hunters have to produce both: Raw meat and salted meat. The production capacity for salted meat should not be set higher than that for raw meat, otherwise the hunters will run out of raw. 22 dec 2023 · ''no scheme is required to craft salted meat. It can be crafted at a hunting lodge ii or fishing hut ii in the salting barrel with the following ingredient: 1 x meat. '' #1 23 sep 2020 · okay i might be wrong but, salting barrel is a part of lvl2 fishing pier it's used for both salted fish and meat, and drying rack is a part lvl2 hunter cabin. But right now there's no reason to salt or dry meat, they do not rot in storages, i had a piece of meat that lied in storage for 2 years and was 100%
22 dec 2023 · ''no scheme is required to craft salted meat. It can be crafted at a hunting lodge ii or fishing hut ii in the salting barrel with the following ingredient: 1 x meat. '' #1 23 sep 2020 · okay i might be wrong but, salting barrel is a part of lvl2 fishing pier it's used for both salted fish and meat, and drying rack is a part lvl2 hunter cabin. But right now there's no reason to salt or dry meat, they do not rot in storages, i had a piece of meat that lied in storage for 2 years and was 100% 15 apr 2023 · i need salted fish, but i only see an option in the hunter's cabin to do salted meat and not salted fish? How exactly do i assign salting fish to an npc? 12 jun 2021 · so you can just about double the life of meat. There's a better way to stretch the life time of meat. 2 nov 2020 · why have salted meat on here if it does change anything you get the some health and if you sell it its the same price as just cooking regular meat its not worth the risk on trying to get it. It's actually pretty easy to have huge amounts of meat spoil and just go to waste if you don't look after it, same as berries and many other aspects of the game.
15 apr 2023 · i need salted fish, but i only see an option in the hunter's cabin to do salted meat and not salted fish? How exactly do i assign salting fish to an npc? 12 jun 2021 · so you can just about double the life of meat. There's a better way to stretch the life time of meat. 2 nov 2020 · why have salted meat on here if it does change anything you get the some health and if you sell it its the same price as just cooking regular meat its not worth the risk on trying to get it. It's actually pretty easy to have huge amounts of meat spoil and just go to waste if you don't look after it, same as berries and many other aspects of the game.